
“MaxtradeKNTR” is a softwarte update of Etalon adapted for connection with indicators Flintec. “MaxtradeKNTR” offers:

  • Easy and convenient operation in a Windows environment – the program supports Microsoft Windows XP/7/10
  • Quick access to all measured data – data is organized chronologically arranged list, which is active and accessible throughout the work. Data from the program can be transferred to Microsoft Excel to be used by another application.
  • Better accountability – the program prepares various reports on materials, customers and cars, thus ensuring information flow and availability of materials and products.
  • Higher reliability – with options to archive “MaxtradeKNTR” enables recovery of data in case of loss or damage.
  • Development opportunity – the program is being constantly updating and adding new features and capabilities.

Minimum possibility of intervention by the operator – each user has its own password. Users enter data needed for measuring and vehicle weight program read by reading the electronic module connected with the instrument. For ease of implementation materials and customers can choose from predefined code lists.
